Amazon UK Deals Club
Who Else Would Like To Get Brand New Amazon Products For 75-99% Off?
Yes, it's true! I have an inside track to several Amazon companies who sell top rated products, that are looking to give away their products, to generate visibility and word of mouth.
It's A Win-Win!
Companies know that social media sharing is how they spread positive word of mouth about products. Which is why they are willing to give away for free (or at massive discounts) some incredible and popular products! It is a perfect win-win. 

In exchange for simply mentioning the product you got in your Facebook post so that friends & family get exposure to the product... you are able to get access to best selling Amazon products that normally cost £20-£50 or more for 75-99% off!

You are NOT required to post an amazon review and you are not getting any discounts in exchange for doing so. In plain English, whether you leave a review or not is totally up to you. All that we require is that you post something about the product on your Facebook: a comment, a photo, whatever you want. It's that simple!  This is the perfect "win win" between company and consumer!
Brand New Headline To Edit
It Is Free To Participate, But We Have Some Rules...
Rule #1: If You Get An Amazon Product From Us, You Agree to Post About It On Facebook.
The only incentive for these top rated amazon companies to offer their products to you (for 75-99% Off), is that we promise them you will post about it on Facebook. A shout out, a selfie with the product, whatever you wish to post is appreciated. We do expect you to hold up your end of the bargain to get all these incredible deeply discounted products. Again, we are not asking for any reviews - just a social media post on Facebook about the product. 
Rule #2: Leaving an Amazon review is NOT required and is entirely optional
Just to be absolutely clear: You are NOT required to leave an amazon review to get any of these super discounts. Discounts are offered in exchange for you posting about it on Facebook to generate social buzz about new products being released by these companies. 
Rule #3: Your Facebook post must be left within 5 days of getting product
We promise our amazon partners that our members will post on facebook within 5 days of receiving the products. 

So now that you know why Amazon vendors want to mail you top-rated products for 75-99% off ... and what is required of you to participate. You can see this is a no-brainer since all transactions are handled right on, so you know it's legit. 

Here's what to do next!  Sign up here to register for our DEAL CLUB, while we still have spots available for new people: 
Enter Your Information Below And Click Submit to Get Your First Deep Discounted Amazon Deal:
Remember, join right now because we strictly limit membership to 250 people. I realize you may see many things on the Internet that appear too good to be true, but this is the real deal. It's through Amazon and all your transactions happen on their website so you know each offer is legit.

Also, if you need any help let us know. We love helping our customers and you can write us at